50th Reunion

Please reserve the date for the 50th reunion for University Cricket.

Date: Saturday 22nd February 2025.

Summary of plans:

  • Cricket vs Railways from  about 11:00am – Captain Cook fields or nearby
  • Function in evening starting about 6:00pm – University Refectory

Please contact John Littleproud if the following apply:

  • Interest in attending – updates will be emailed.
  • Not interested in attending – update emails will be stopped.
  • Provide contact details for other old boys so we can add them to any further updates.
  • Provide any memorabilia (photos, stories, etc) items you may have that we could use to put together a booklet and/or use on the night.
  • Let us know if you would like to be a sponsor.

We look forward to catching up with all players (past and present) to celebrate our 50th season.
